Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Birds and the Bees

I thought I might get your attention with this topic. But, since this is a bird blog and I wanted to show off my bee, I had to start somewhere!

I took this picture from the front seat of my car. The bee is on the windshield.

Yet another reason to keep your camera handy!

.....and let us remember that bees are important too!


wbcptc said...

I love it! I can't get over what a great shot this is. Who would have ever thought that a bee on your windshield could be such a thing of beauty.

Cameras at all times!


DrW said...

Thank you, Tammy! Several things about this shot really amazed me. He cocked his head to look at me in a very "human" way. He only did this when I got out the camera. The eyes are remarkable! Also did you notice the veins in the wings? And, did you see the stinger-like things at the joints on his legs? I was SO happy to have the camera, the battery was good, and the windshied was mostly clean. And he was curious enough to hang out long enough for me to fire off a few shots - maybe 30. The joys of photography...


AprilStorm said...

Susan, you must wear your camera around your neck 24/7! LOL! That's one of the best insect shots ever!

DrW said...

Thanks, Lynda! Leave it to me to get the insect with all the personality on MY windshield!
