Sunday, December 21, 2008

Lynda's Fabulous Cedar Waxwings!

For the last two days we've had flocks of Cedar Waxwings in my backyard! Pics aren't 'great', but it was the best I could get. (used zoom lens) Aren't they spectacular birds? : ) They love the berries on this tree. (7 pics below)
Sorry Tammy, but they were not interested in any of my feeders, suet or seed...just berries!
(Click on each picture to see a larger image!)

These two passed this berry back and forth between them at least 6 times. It was the funniest
thing to watch! It was like they were being so polite, 'here, you eat it', 'no, I want you to have it',
'but I got it for you!' LOL!


DrW said...


These pictures are terrific! If they were any better you would have to work for National Geographic! BTW, is the tree a deciduous holly?

Thank you for these great shots!


DrW said...

Every time I look at these I am just amazed! They are all great and my very favorite is the 4th one down!


AprilStorm said...

Thanks Susan! I'm using a new zoom lens and not sure I've got the hang of it yet. They look a bit blurry to me but I am still glad I actually got some of these shots. Last year my photos turned out really bad, couldn't hardly tell what they were, so I am pleased with these. Maybe the next time they come through here I will be better at using this zoom lens!