Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Squirrel Christmas

I know some of you work to keep these precious creatures out of your feeders but some of us actually feed them. If you hate squirrels - STOP NOW - do not try to enjoy or even understand these pictures from Susan in Sharpsburg!

Albert Einstein, alpha squirrel, enjoying his peanut feeder.


Enjoying corn bungee - just try to get this shot - serious rapid movement...

Back to peanuts. Likes them best!

Even enjoys checking out the forbidden hot meats in the "birds only" feeder. One cannot be too careful!

Christmas 2008 Portrait - for the Christmas card...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Lynda's Fabulous Cedar Waxwings!

For the last two days we've had flocks of Cedar Waxwings in my backyard! Pics aren't 'great', but it was the best I could get. (used zoom lens) Aren't they spectacular birds? : ) They love the berries on this tree. (7 pics below)
Sorry Tammy, but they were not interested in any of my feeders, suet or seed...just berries!
(Click on each picture to see a larger image!)

These two passed this berry back and forth between them at least 6 times. It was the funniest
thing to watch! It was like they were being so polite, 'here, you eat it', 'no, I want you to have it',
'but I got it for you!' LOL!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Rainy Day Activity at Lynda's!

Looky...bluebirds, downey woodpecker, finch and cardinal...all eating in the rain! Click on the picture to see a larger image.

Lynda (PTC)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Napkin, Please...

This titmouse is enjoying a treat from Susan's nut feeder. What a beautiful bird! (As always, click on the picture to see a larger image.)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

OK - So I'm Reading In My Sunroom When...

...this big guy flew by. Then he walked around my yard for 15 or so minutes - just scouting out the place. I grabbed my camera and took lots of bad shots in an attempt not to frighten him away. So here's the best of them and until one of you bird experts tell me differently, I'm calling him/her a wild turkey. What do you think? (Click on the picture to see a larger image.)

Susan (Sharpsburg)

Friday, December 5, 2008

From the Annual Convention

These are from our annual convention in Annapolis, MD. See the squirrel in the canon. Tammy and Tim

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My Crepe Myrtle, No, Mine

Sherri's cardinal seems to be telling the wee woodpecker to move along. They are probably enjoying the billions of seeds that are in the crepe myrtle flower seed pods.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Goldies Waiting

Sherri didn't say but I would guess that these goldies are in line for the feeders. Beautiful! And thank you, Sherri, for sending in your backyard photos!