Sunday, December 7, 2008

OK - So I'm Reading In My Sunroom When...

...this big guy flew by. Then he walked around my yard for 15 or so minutes - just scouting out the place. I grabbed my camera and took lots of bad shots in an attempt not to frighten him away. So here's the best of them and until one of you bird experts tell me differently, I'm calling him/her a wild turkey. What do you think? (Click on the picture to see a larger image.)

Susan (Sharpsburg)


DrW said...

From my research, she seems to be an eastern wild turkey hen.


AprilStorm said...

Wow! I've seen flocks of wild Turkeys walking around before, but never any in my yard. That would be way kewl! Thanks for posting this.

DrW said...

Yes - waaaaay kewl - I keep watching and waiting for her to come back to visit...