Friday, June 20, 2008

Exactly How Many Goldfinches Does Sherri Have...?

...more than I can count! They must love her setup! A buffet of goldie goodies! Thank you Sherri (PTC)!


DrW said...

Looks like sunflower seeds on the right and a niger/sunflower chip mix on the left. Am I right?


Sherri said...

You are correct.

AprilStorm said...

Oh my gosh! That's the most I've ever seen at one time. I hope you have lots of seeds ready for refills!

wbcptc said...

We worked with Sherri to design & install her bird feeding pole system. In a very short time, she was loaded down with birds!


Unknown said...

That is true! Thank you Wild Bird Center of Peachtree for all your help and suggestions on what seeds to use, to get all my birds. I had blue birds within a couple of hours. I then put up a blue bird house and the birds had thier second brood in it, the are about 10 days old right now.